
VetSpin® Micro Microcentrifuge Range

The VetSpin® Micro is a truly unique, low-cost, simple to use, space-saving unit which can perform  serum /plasma separations and microhaematocrit measurements in only 3 minutes. Perfect for every veterinary practice small or large. Free Reader Card Included!

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We recognise that one of the most important tasks in every veterinary practice laboratory is to centrifuge blood samples quickly to obtain either plasma or serum free from haemolysis which are essential for accurate test results. The VetSpin® Micro is the ideal, low-cost solution for this task occupying very little bench space and capable of separating plasma/serum from up to 8 x 2ml whole blood samples as well as processing up to 12 microhaematocrit test, with the use of another rotor, in just 3 mins. The VetSpin® Micro is also very simple and safe to use conforming to CE and UK legislation.

A variety of screw capped plastic blood tubes can be accommodated from 0.5ml to 2ml in the 8 piece blood tube rotor as well standard microcentrifuge tubes up to 2ml and 12 x 40mm microhaematocrit capillary tubes in the separate microhaematocrit rotor

Benefits & Features:

  • Low cost -From only £165
  • Small footprint -Only 6” diameter and only 1 kilo
  • Flexible-Separates plasma/serum and performs microhaematocrits
  • Simple to use-Open lid, switch on, load and close lid. Tool-free rotor change.
  • Fast-All procedures processed at 10,000rpm within 3 mins.
  • Quiet-Motor produces much less noise than other centrifuges.
  • Safe-Complies with all relevant CE and UK specifications.

Our VetSpin Micro Centrifuges are supplied with:


The ‘VetSpin® Micro’ Centrifuge is Perfect for Veterinary Practices and is available in the following options:

VetSpin® Micro unit + 8-place rotor for 2.0ml plastic screw capped tubes
VetSpin® Micro unit + 12 place Microhaematocrit Rotor (40mm capillaries)
VetSpin® Micro unit + both above rotors
VetSpin® Micro Dual Offer -Discounted Two Unit Package (See Full Details Below):

VetSpin® Micro Dual Discounted 2 Unit Package

This discounted option offers the practice the advantage of dedicating one unit for serum/plasma separation and another for microhaematocrit analyses avoiding the need to change rotors and saving operator time. It also prolongs the working life of both centrifuges and insures against being unable to process blood samples in the unlikely event of a breakdown occurring with one of the units.

1 x VetSpin® Micro with 8 Place Tube Rotor PLUS 1 x VetSpin® Micro with 12 Place Microhaematocrit Rotor
ONLY £295.00

  • Saves Time Changing Rotors
  • Back Up Centrifuge Always Available
  • Prolongs the life of both centrifuges
  • Saves Money

Using the VetSpin® Micro Centrifuge

Open lid, switch on, load blood tubes in a weight balanced position and close the lid. Motor starts automatically. The speed is fixed at 10,000rpm and set your pocket alarm timer for appropriate time (usually 3 mins). To stop either switch off or release lid lock and wait for rotor to stop. Both rotors are perfectly round in shape with no sharp edges for extra safety.

Changing the Rotors

Rotors are changed using a simple unique, tool-free system–just squeeze the clip with your fingers and lift off rotor, then just push on the other rotor.  A complete User Manual is provided.

Please see the below video but please note that our new version now has 8 x Tube Holders and does not include a timer or free carriage

To see our centrifuge consumables: follow this link



Product Information

Product Information

  • Dimensions: 155 x 168 x 118mm
  • Fixed Speed: 10,000 rpm
  • RCF: 5,610g
  • Power: AC 85-250V, 50/60HZ
  • Fuse: 0.5A, 250V
  • Sample Volume: 0.5ml to 2ml capped tubes and 40mm microhaematocrit tubes
  • Net Weight: 1.2Kg
  • CE Marked
  • Warranty: 12 Months warranty


VetSpin Micro Warranty Terms & Conditions

VetSpin Micro Warranty Terms & Conditions Overseas

  • Suggested Spinning Times (guidelines only)
  • Serum/Plasma 2 minutes minimum
  • Urine – 20 seconds maximum
  • Microhaematocrit – 3 minutes minimu


Balancing Your Centrifuge

How and Why to Balance Your Centrifuge

A reliable benchtop centrifuge is essential to many veterinary tests, diagnoses and sample handling procedures. Balancing your laboratory centrifuge before each and every operation is the simplest and most effective action you can take to prolong its life, performance, reliability and safety.

Why Balancing Your Laboratory Centrifuge Matters

However, these same g-forces also magnify any slight differences in the uneven distribution of weight around the rotor. Even a slight weight imbalance between samples will cause the centrifuge to vibrate, shake uncontrollably and, in extreme circumstances, even explode.

Running a high-speed centrifuge with an unevenly loaded rotor is the most common cause of centrifuges breaking down. Out of balance loading causes the moving parts to shake uncontrollably. At best, this means the motor and bearings wear out more quickly. At worst, it risks sudden and explosive failure of the motor or rotor, and serious injury to laboratory personnel.

How to Balance Your Centrifuge 

Click on the PDF below for a visual guide on how to balance your centrifuge 

How To Balance Your Centrifuge

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
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