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Veterinary news from industry experts

Ticking Off

Ticking Off

Still The Best Protection Against ‘Tracker Dog Disease’ Ehrlichiosis Environmental change is exposing Britain’s dogs to more and more diseases once confined to warmer Mediterranean and tropical climes.

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Cat Watch UK

Cat Watch UK

Coming Soon to Britain’s Streets Without diagnostic monitoring and management, feral populations place homed cats at risk of infection with FIV and FeLV, infestation with external parasites such as fleas and mites, and internal invaders including bacteria, viruses and intestinal or respiratory worms.

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Domestic Poultry, Friends or Food?

Domestic Poultry, Friends or Food?

Chickens as Companion Animals The chicken (Gallus gallus) we love to eat can trace its relatively short ancestry back to the Red Junglefowl of south-east Asia, with a smattering other similar junglefowl species helpfully bred into its genetic mix.

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Why Some Mice Just Want to Be Caught

Why Some Mice Just Want to Be Caught

How Toxoplasma Makes Infection More Likely Toxoplasmosis in cats is caused by infection with the single-celled organism Toxoplasma gondii. Manifesting itself in symptoms including anorexia, weight loss, lethargy, vomiting, jaundice and difficulty breathing, infection is diagnosed by the detection of T.

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Brucellosis Vaccine

Brucellosis Vaccine

Initiative Calls For New Collaborative Approach The Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVMed) is calling for veterinary laboratory, academic and industrial collaboration toward ‘milestone two’ in developing and manufacturing an effective vaccine against the livestock disease, brucellosis.

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BOAS Constriction in Dogs

BOAS Constriction in Dogs

Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome Kennel Club figures show a 3000% rise in ownership of pugs, bulldogs, French bulldogs, Boston terriers, Cavalier King Charles spaniels, Shih Tzus and boxers since 2007.

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Health Dangers That Can Harm Your Pet This Summer

Health Dangers That Can Harm Your Pet This Summer

While summertime staples like backyard barbecues and walks on the beach are a lot of fun, they can pose health risks for some pets. It is important to know how to keep your animals comfortable during the summer months, including what vet supplies to use, so that you can prevent any serious conditions, including life-threatening heat stroke.

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