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Veterinary news from industry experts

How Do You Stop Your Dog Getting Distemper?

How Do You Stop Your Dog Getting Distemper?

“Tell the man in the paint shop not to serve him.” So goes the old music-hall joke. But how did a once common disease of pet dogs get the same name as a kind of paint? Distemper – also known as Hardpad first appeared in the UK in the mid-1840s, though it had been known in Europe since the Middle Ages.

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Your Tick Prevention Tick List

Your Tick Prevention Tick List

Britain's biggest veterinary survey of blood-sucking tick infection shows that 1 in 3 dogs could harbour this disease-carrying parasite. When you're out with your dog in the countryside, your dog could be at risk of picking up a hitch-hiker unawares.

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McMaster Faecal Egg Count (FEC) Monitoring Of Tapeworm Infestation

McMaster Faecal Egg Count (FEC) Monitoring Of Tapeworm Infestation

Checking the faeces of sheep, goats, cattle, horses and the UK’s growing lama and alpaca herd for tapeworm eggs is a tried and tested method for monitoring gastrointestinal parasite infestation. McMaster Slide Faecal Egg Count Technique Since 1939, the McMaster Slide Faecal Egg Count Technique has provided veterinary laboratories with a means of quantifying the number of parasite eggs in a faecal sample.

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1 in 3 UK Dogs Carry Blood-Sucking Ticks

1 in 3 UK Dogs Carry Blood-Sucking Ticks

In the UK’s biggest ever study of ticks and tick-borne diseases, veterinary laboratory scientists at Bristol University signed up more than 1400 local vets and their canine clients. Between April and July 2015, the months when parasitic ticks are most active, vets examined over 14,000 dogs reporting that nearly 30% were found to carry blood-sucking ticks potentially infected with deadly dog diseases including Lymes Disease, Anaplasmosis and the new threat, Canine Babesiosis.

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