Dogs In Lockdown
Why 8 Out Of 10 Dogs Love Lockdown 8 out of 10 dogs suffer separation anxiety when left alone. With many owners unable to go about their normal away from home activities, many more dogs have their owners undivided attention.
Why 8 Out Of 10 Dogs Love Lockdown 8 out of 10 dogs suffer separation anxiety when left alone. With many owners unable to go about their normal away from home activities, many more dogs have their owners undivided attention.
Could 8 Out of 10 Cats Loathe Lockdown? While dogs seemed to have thoroughly loved locking down with their human companions, research indicates that cats haven’t enjoyed this constant attention quite so much.
Post-Covid Cats And Kittens Look To Life After Lockdown Housebound cat lovers have sought out feline companionship to get them through the government enforced lockdown. In October 2020, the RSPCA posted a more than 188% rise in internet searches for ‘Kittens near me’ in just a few months.
For Better Or Worse? The Brexit Transition ends on 31 December 2020 with the UK will no longer subject to the EU legislation that sets 80% of British animal welfare standards. Will this be good or bad for Britain’s commercial, domestic and wild animals, and for the vets that maintain their health and well-being? EU Regulation Of Animal Care And Welfare Around 44 pieces of EU legislation regulate the trade, transport and testing of animals within and between European Union member states.
Veterinary Practices Have Worked Hard To Serve Pets & Livestock Through this time of Covid 19 pandemic, veterinary professionals and practices have worked hard to serve pets and public, maintain the health and well-being of their staff and function as viable businesses; but at what cost? Early Effects Of Lockdown On Veterinary Practices Successful veterinary practices must perform as commercially viable businesses as well as accessible and effective public services.
G9 Veterinary Cleaning & Hygiene Range Joseph Lister’s 1860s application of carbolic acid to disinfect and sterilise surgical instruments, incisions and dressings laid the foundation of modern antiseptic surgery.
Test Kit Keeps Dog Breeders on TARGET TARGET Canine Ovulation Timing Kit equips breeders with a simple, reliable test to predict the best time for mating or insemination maximising the efficiency of their facilities, and protecting the health of their breeding bitches.
Helping Breeders and Rescue Centres For breeders, vets, animal charities and re-homing and rescue centres, knowing if a cat or dog is pregnant is a crucial question. Planned Pedigree Mating or Unknown History Rescue For breeders with a planned breeding programme and concern for the health of their breeding females, reliable testing for successful mating or insemination is essential.
For dog breeders planning an efficient mating and rearing strategy, predicting the date of ovulation is a critical indicator of the ideal mating and likely date of whelping. Detecting the surge in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) equips vets and breeders to ascertain to date of ovulation.
Challenge Or Opportunity for Official Vets A no-deal Brexit will take the UK out of EU animal welfare legislation. Maintaining animal welfare standards at the UK border will increase the workload of Official Vets in Border Inspection Posts, abattoirs and in veterinary laboratories.
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