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Veterinary news from industry experts

Health In The Hutch: June 17-25 Is RAW – Rabbit Awareness Week

Health In The Hutch: June 17-25 Is RAW – Rabbit Awareness Week

When it comes to publicising pet care, cats and dogs get much more attention than smaller pets – especially when it comes to internal parasites and external parasites in pet rabbits. That’s why June sees another concerted effort by a partnership of animal charities and commercial sponsors to raise owners’ awareness of the health, hygiene and dietary needs of pet rabbits.

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Are You A Health Risk to Your Pet? Anthroponitic and Humanotic Infections

Are You A Health Risk to Your Pet? Anthroponitic and Humanotic Infections

Veterinary and Human health authorities worldwide are always on their guard against the possibility of animal diseases jumping the species barrier and infecting human populations. But what about the reverse? Is there a growing danger that the bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause human diseases might pose a health risk to companion, commercial and wild animal populations? Most animal pathogens reside only in specific species or related host species.

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Love Me Love My Dog: Vets, Pets, Nudging and Behavioural Economics

Love Me Love My Dog: Vets, Pets, Nudging and Behavioural Economics

Pet owners love their companions but don’t always do what’s best for the health and well-being of the animals that share their lives and homes. With a little understanding of behavioural economics, veterinary surgeons can use ‘nudge theory’ to change the behaviour of pet owners, keepers and breeders to the benefit of pets from lizards to llamas.

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