Sure and Simple Colour Test Helps Vets Guard Dogs and Cats from Giardia.

Sure and Simple Colour Test Helps Vets Guard Dogs and Cats from Giardia.

FASTest Giardia Strip

Because FASTest Giardia Strip needs no refrigeration and no veterinary laboratory facilities, you can test for Giardia duodenalis in dogs and cats quickly, reliably and anywhere your vet practice needs you to go.

Diarrhoea, loss of appetite and weakening growth are among the most common symptoms found in ailing dogs and cats. Faced with a distraught owner and their much-loved pet, as their trusted vet, you can find yourself under considerable pressure to come up with the correct diagnosis right away. Determining if the suffering animal has a relatively minor infection, or something more serious and contagious, can be of critical importance – especially when there might be health implications for the animal’s human owners and their families.

Contaminated food and water

One of the most common diseases with a high risk of infecting other animals and occasionally humans is the intestinal parasite Giardia duodenalis. Most common in pups and kittens between six and twelve weeks old, the microscopic parasite finds its way into new hosts through food and water contaminated by faeces from infected animals. As with most treatable animal diseases, prevention is better than cure. Pets kept in a clean, faeces free environment, and prevented from drinking muddy water that other animals have contaminated, are much less likely to suffer from symptoms of Giardiasis.

Confirmation of Giardiasis is sure and simple with Vetlab’s exclusive Megacor FASTest Giardia Strip. Because it’s entirely self-contained, needs no refrigeration, incubation or laboratory equipment, the test can be carried out at your practice or on your client’s premises. After adding a small sample of dog or cat faeces to the test reagent, a drop of the mixture is spotted onto the test strip. After just five minutes, an obvious blue line appears to prove the test is working properly. If a solid red line also appears, then the test is positive for the infective ‘oocysts’ (parasite eggs) that hatch out into the ‘trophozoites’ (feeding organisms) which will cause the symptoms of Giardia.

Giardia Strip – simple, clear and easy to use

The simplicity of the test, clarity of the positive result and the robustness of the kit itself makes the Giardia Strip one of the most popular and widely used of Vetlab’s exclusive Megacor Diagnostics range. Used extensively in both veterinary practices and commercial veterinary laboratories, the test finds its niche in facilities needing a quick, reliable and cost-effective test, and in which pet owners and practitioners can have complete confidence.

ACT in Genetic Disease, Vitamin Deficiency, Poisoning and Surgical Risk.

ACT in Genetic Disease, Vitamin Deficiency, Poisoning and Surgical Risk.

ACT-VETube – Activated Clotting Time

Over-long Activated Clotting Times (ACT) in cats and dogs can be life-saving indicators of diseases such as haemophilia, environmental dangers such as poisoning, and potential surgical risks from internal bleeding.

As an all-in-one diagnostic kit for over-long blood clotting times, in cats and dogs, the MegaCor ACT-VETube is the coagulation-time test of choice for commercial veterinary laboratories and practising vets both in the surgery and off-site.

Blood clots are a matrix of long, sticky proteins produced in response to damage to the veins, arteries and capillaries that carry the blood to and through tissues and organs. In healthy people and animals, blood clots form quickly to prevent both excessive blood loss from external injury and excessive swelling from internal tissue trauma.

Clotting time can be vital to life-saving treatment

If clotting takes too long, an animal might suffer a life-threatening loss of blood. Measuring whether or not an animal’s blood is taking an excessively long time to clot can be vital in diagnosing internal bleeds, genetic diseases like haemophilia and deficiencies such as a lack of vitamin K. It might also indicate a potential risk to the animal during surgery. Critically, a speedy assessment of a cat or dog’s clotting time can be vital to life-saving treatment in cases of suspected of rat poisoning, which kills by disrupting the natural clotting process.

ACT-VETube kits don’t need refrigerated storage and the test doesn’t need an incubator or any kind of mixing platform. So while most clotting-time tests might be carried out in the laboratory, the test is completely portable and could be carried out at any location where the patient can’t be transported to a vet practice or surgery. Holding the tube in the hand for a few minutes is normally sufficient to warm it to the required temperature of 37°C.

The clotting process

The ACT-VETube contains microscopic particles of silica. When 2ml of freshly drawn venous blood from the ailing dog or cat is added to the tube, these particles trigger the clotting process. Counting the seconds on a timer or stopwatch, while gently turning the sealed tube over and back until the first blood clots appear, gives the activated clotting time for the sample.

Combined with the knowledge and experience of the veterinary practitioner, MegaCor’s 10-test pack can prove a genuine life saver in cases of disease, genetic disorders, vitamin K deficiency, rodent poisoning and bleed-risk assessment prior to surgery.

Take a look at our range of veterinary diagnostic kits or contact us today.

Toxoplasmosis – The Feline disease set to devastate UK Sheep farming!

Toxoplasmosis – The Feline disease set to devastate UK Sheep farming!

Toxoplasmosis – caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, a well-known disease of domestic cats, is also a potentially devastating disease of sheep. A paper published in the Veterinary Record estimates that toxoplasmosis in sheep costs UK farmers about half a million lambs a year through premature abortion; a figure that translates to a financial loss of between £12million to £24million annually.

The Government’s own Veterinary Investigation Diagnosis Analysis lists toxoplasmosis as the highest cause of aborted lambs (29%) second only to Chlamydia abortus (47%) with an estimated 70% of all UK flocks already exposed to the cat-borne parasite (FlockCheck Data 2004).

Roaming cats spread the parasite

In the cycle of infection, domestic and feral cats act as the great distributors. The parasite reproduces in the cat’s gut before escaping in the faeces as dormant eggs or ‘oocysts’. When the cat kills and eats a rodent that’s accidentally ingested these cysts, the cycle starts over again. But when widely roaming cats spread the parasite onto pasture land, livestock bedding and animal feed, it’s often sheep that become the next host.

Once eaten by sheep, these dormant oocysts become active causing aborted or ‘weakly’ lambs, and sometimes infertility on a flock-wide scale. As a single cat dropping contains enough parasite to infect 100 ewes, and these oocysts can survive in a pasture for well over a year, it’s essential to know the level of infection within a flock.

Toxoplasmosis rarely causes any serious illness in humans

In cats, the disease is well known; with a range of mostly mild to moderate symptoms. In humans, toxoplasmosis rarely causes any serious illness, although people with weak or suppressed immune systems may be more at risk and, for expectant mothers, there’s an increased likelihood of premature birth or abortion if an infection is picked up early in pregnancy.

For human populations, the parasite’s main impact is on the commercial viability of livestock farming and its potential for disrupting the food supply by reducing availability and increasing prices to the consumer. For this reason, The European Food Safety Authority is recommending all EU member states to monitor T.gondii in farm animals.

The FASTest® TOXOPLASMA g kit from Vetlab Supplies provides a reliable blood test for antibodies created in response to infection facilitating early intervention and infection control. The paper’s authors, JP Hutchinson and RP Smith, conclude that: “farmers and veterinary surgeons should continue to promote appropriate husbandry and vaccination strategies,” The FASTest® TOXOPLASMA g kit could be an integral part of this strategy.

To find out more about our large range of veterinary diagnostic test kits visit our website: or Telephone: 01798 874567

Travelling Abroad with your pet – Protect your pet, Protect yourself.

Travelling Abroad with your pet – Protect your pet, Protect yourself.

Zoonotic Potential is not a phrase you’d expect to use everyday – unless you’re a vet, but it’s one that’s set to have a greater impact on you, your health and your pet’s health, especially if you enjoy the company of your pet when you travel abroad.

Since July 2004 it’s been relatively easy to travel to and from the UK without leaving your pet at home or enduring the long separation of enforced quarantine. Now all you need is to have your pet microchipped, vaccinated against rabies, treated for tapeworm – if your pet’s a dog, and have all this recorded in your pet’s passport.

Thanks to advances in electronic and medical technology, it’s now simple and straightforward to safely take your pet with you on holidays and even business trips abroad. But it’s what your pet might bring back from its travels – and might, potentially pass on to you and your family, that’s starting to worry UK vets.

Pets and their owners travelling further afield

Zoonotic Potential is how your vet describes the chance that your pet might pick up a disease and then pass it on to you. Compared to many countries, the UK is exceptionally free from serious and life-threatening diseases of both humans and their pets. But as pets and their owners travel further afield, the chance of encountering and bringing home such a disease can only increase.

Of special concern to vets are so called ‘vector-borne’ diseases. These are parasites and infections transmitted between animals by intermediaries such as fleas, mites, ticks and biting insects. This means that even though you might think you’ve kept your pet away from other, possibly infected, animals and food, you can’t be sure your pet hasn’t picked up a disease-carrying vector.

Diagnostic Test Kits for Insect Borne Diseases

As usual, prevention is better than cure. Your vet can provide you with the best applications and treatments to stop nasty, disease infested, hitchhikers getting a free ride on your pet. Your vet will also advise you on the precautions you and your pet should take while you’re abroad.

But if, when you get home, your pet shows symptoms of being less than 100%, then visit your vet right away. Early testing of your pet with Vetlab Supplies Diagnostic Kits for insect borne diseases including Leishmaniasis and the tick borne Anaplasmosis will not only give a prompt diagnosis and the right treatment for your pet, it will also reduce any Zoonotic Potential risk to you and your family.

To find out more about our large range of veterinary diagnostic test kits visit our website: or Telephone: 01798 874567

Alabama Rot Disease in the UK: Are you in the know?

Alabama Rot Disease in the UK: Are you in the know?

Alabama Rot – Vets Report Increases in the UK

Vets across the UK are reporting an increase in dogs of all breeds infected with a new and potentially fatal disease known as Alabama Rot.

Alabama Rot Disease, or cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy (CRGV), is a disease of the skin and kidneys that’s commonly proved fatal in greyhounds in the US since the 1980s and has now infected at least 46 UK dogs of many different breeds since 2013.

First detected and particularly prevalent in the New Forest area of Hampshire, CRGV has been reported in dogs from Durham down to Surrey, and as far west as Monmouthshire and Cornwall.

Left untreated the outcome is most often kidney failure 

Alabama Rot acts by destroying the blood vessels (vascular system) in your dog’s kidneys. This severely damages the vital blood cleaning and filtering tissues (the glomerula) that keep your dog’s system healthy. Left untreated the outcome is most often kidney failure followed by the decline and death of your pet.

The first visible warning of CRGV is damage to the skin; often appearing as soreness or reddening associated with swelling and ulcer-like lesions. However, these might be only the surface symptoms of more serious damage being caused to the blood vessels and capillaries of your dog’s kidneys.

Loss of appetite, tired and lethargic

When these signs accompany the usual symptoms that something more serious is wrong, then it’s time to seek urgent and expert attention from your vet. If your dog begins to loose appetite, becomes unusually tired and lethargic or vomits inexplicably, then these are signs of possible kidney disease.

Of course, kidney disease in dogs has many causes that may or may not indicate Alabama Rot. Skin disorders, too, have many different initiators; including parasites, fungal infections, skin tumours and the everyday injuries endured by normal, active dogs.

Although CRGV is still a rare condition in the UK, its cause and method infection remains unknown. This means that prevention can be difficult and early diagnosis and treatment by your vet, with the expertise and technical support of Vetlab Supplies, is essential.

Vetlab Supplies supports you, your vet and your dog with diagnostic haematology kits to inspect the health of your pet’s kidney function, and microscopy equipment and consumables to examine your dog’s skin and other tissues for early signs of Alabama Rot. Your vet can then plan an efficient, timely and potentially life-saving course of treatment for your pet, although sadly it is usually fatal. It is however important for official bodies to have the disease confirmed to record confirmed cases then we can see the spread of the disease throughout the UK.

Vetlab Supplies has a range of microscopes available and haematology supplies and consumables. We also specialise in diagnostic test kits for other problems – all backed by their wealth of knowledge and experience in veterinary testing and diagnosis.

To find out more about our large range of veterinary diagnostic test kits visit our website: or Telephone: 01798 874567

How TARGET Canine Ovulation Test Kit is beneficial for successful canine breeding

How TARGET Canine Ovulation Test Kit is beneficial for successful canine breeding

Predicting The Right Time to Mate – Target Canine Cytology Kit

Dramatically improve your reproduction reputation with the TARGET Canine Ovulation Diagnostic Test Kit. Relying on visual signs of heat, like vulval swelling and bleeding and flagging, can get you close to a bitch’s perfect breeding day(s). Analysing vaginal cytology microscopically can get you closer. Combining these clues with progesterone levels is the gold standard for predicting ovulation and finding the perfect day(s). The TARGET Canine Ovulation Test Kit measures progesterone quickly and accurately. You will never have to send blood off to a lab for progesterone levels again, waiting valuable days, and missing the bitch’s perfect day(s). Multiple progesterone levels are often necessary. The test kit comes with the ability to run six different progesterone levels.

Simple Procedure – 6 Individual Diagnostic Test Kits

The TARGET Canine Ovulation Test strips are a rapid semi-quantitative ELISA test that gives you results in your practice in just minutes. It is extremely easy to run. The results are easy to read as well. Detailed instructions come with the kit, including an encompassing review of reproduction: LH surge and progesterone rising at the same time, ovulation occurring approximately 2 days after the initial rise in progesterone, etc. It is ideal to avoid feeding the bitch for about 8 hours before drawing blood to avoid a lipaemic sample.

Cytology Ovulation Testing to Increase Breeding Success

Another time in a bitch’s heat cycle where measuring progesterone levels comes in handy is near the end of her pregnancy. By using the kit and measuring progesterone levels (along with breeding days and signs like a drop in rectal temperature), you can better plan for a Caesarian section since progesterone levels drop 2-3 days before whelping. There is little doubt that this kit will help you increase your success in conception and litter size, making you and your client exceedingly satisfied. The cytology test kit is very reasonably priced, saving you and your client valuable money.

Vetlab – Veterinary Diagnostic Test Kits – FeLV-FIV testing for Cats

Vetlab – Veterinary Diagnostic Test Kits – FeLV-FIV testing for Cats

Our cats quickly become a much-loved and valued member of our families – but many cat owners, unfortunately, encounter health difficulties for their pets that can often be easily detected by utilising the diagnostic tests available from their vets.

Feline Leukaemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) are debilitating and often serious, lethal conditions which sadly are more common than many cat owners might think. FeLV affects the immune system and over months and years makes it very difficult for the cat to ward off common infections and viruses. FIV can result in chronic skin infections, gastrointestinal upset and persistent diarrhoea, urinary system problems, respiratory tract infections and neurologic disorders amongst others.

Testing times for Charities

FeLV-FIV is the most infectious cat disease in the world. Charities have the biggest problem with this disease, as many of the cats that come in to be rescued or rehomed are strays and are high-risk carriers of both diseases. Testing for FeLV-FIV is very important, as any responsible owner should not allow infected cats to mix with other cats.

The most concerning thing about these conditions is that even the most loving, scrupulous pet owner may not know their cat is infected. There can sometimes be no clinical signs for years until the cat gets really sick. Most charities do test cats before they are rehomed, and vets should encourage their cat clients to have their cats tested regularly. Many owners may not even be aware of these diseases – so it’s important to spread the word and take precautions accordingly.

Charitable discounts from Vetlab

In light of the seriousness of both of these diseases, Vetlab veterinary supplies give 50% discount to all charities and veterinary practices working for charities. Owing to the seriousness of these diseases, we also offer a free backup service to confirm results if there is a query on any result, as we have our own laboratory for re-testing and 30 years of experience in testing for FeLV-FIV. Vetlab Supplies are the only company that will also send inconclusive samples and results to Glasgow University Veterinary School for further investigation using ‘gold standard methods’ and pay the cost for the client! It’s all about customer service, supporting our MegaCor products and getting the right result.

Vetlab products have a long shelf life and are non-refrigerated, enabling them to be used when needed, without having to be ordered in small amounts, lowering the cost overall. We are passionate about preventing and curbing these deadly infectious diseases and feel supporting charities by offering this unprecedented backup service will help the good work they do, ensuring they have the right result, and can take action where needed.

To find out more about our large range of veterinary diagnostic test kits visit our website: or Telephone: 01798 874567

Why FASTest Diagnostic Tests Are The Best For Your Vet Practice

Why FASTest Diagnostic Tests Are The Best For Your Vet Practice

As a busy and caring veterinarian, you want to get as much done in a workday as possible, and this includes providing diagnostic tests when needed. While you certainly want results to come back quickly, you also want them to be accurate, and you want the tests to be affordable. This is why FASTest Diagnostic Tests are the best for your vet practice. Fast, accurate, and affordable are all hallmarks of the FASTest brand.

FASTest Diagnostics

MegaCor Diagnostik GmbH, an Austrian based company that has been providing exceptional test kits for over 25 years, manufactures the FASTest brands of diagnostic tests. As the exclusive distributor of MegaCor FASTest Kits, we have the test kits that your vet practice needs, and we have them at very competitive prices.

How Do they work?

The vast majority of FASTest kits we offer work on the principle of immunochromatography/lateral flow. They can be safely kept at room temperature, and because of their long shelf life, you worry less and spend less. They are very easy to use, and the results are both accurate and reliable.

The product line includes the diagnostic tests that your vet practice requires, and their range covers a variety of needs.

Some products in their range include:

  • FASTest CRYPTO Strip
  • FASTest D4T bovine
  • FASTest BCV
  • FASTest E.coli-K99
  • FASTest ROTA

So you can see there are plenty of different options for your practice to choose from, meaning as a busy vet, you don’t have to shop around for different brands for each diagnostic test you need to perform.

FASTest Diagnostic Test Kits are so reliable and accurate that they are used in Veterinary Practices, Commercial Laboratories, and Veterinary Colleges. And with their low pricing, they are the smart choice for any vet practice. It is becoming increasingly challenging for vet practices to offer their clients the best in pet health care without charging more than they can afford. This can be especially important in a rural area where cattle and horses are plentiful. When you can buy your test kits for less, you can charge less, and the FASTest brand helps you to do that.

So, the question, why are FASTest Diagnostic Tests are the best for your vet practice, is actually easy to answer: FASTest offer quality products that are reliable, accurate, easy to use, and affordable, allowing you to not only treat and diagnose your patients quickly, but save your practice valuable time.

To find out more about our large range of veterinary diagnostic test kits visit our website: or Telephone: 01798 874567